All fees cover 12 calendar months and may be paid in monthly instalments or in Advance. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Students are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls. The fees, if paid monthly, must be paid on or before 10th of every month, failing which a late fee of Rs. 50/- will be levied up to the end of the month and thereafter Rs. 20/- per month cumulatively.
Where however, the fees remain unpaid for more than 60 days, the name of the child will be removed from the roll without any further information. Readmission will be done on payment of re-admission fee of Rs. 2000/- with the permission of the Principal.
The School will be extending a sibling discount of 10% on the monthly Tuition Fees of the second child and a discount of 15% on the Tuition fees of the third child.
In case of prepayment of the full year fees in advance before 21st April of every academic year, a discount of 5% would be admissible of the Tuition Fees and Smart Board Fees.
The school reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the year necessitated due to increased salary commitments as well as operational expenses.
Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.